

dry cough的相關標籤

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隔離14日,我其實適應無難度,以前寫書,閉關唔出街係常態,有十年時間,我一年四次,每次兩個月,在家。 而家唔慣既反而喺,今次好似有一個期限,呢14日,千祈唔好喉嚨痛唔好咳唔好發燒。。。 但係,無癥狀又如何?最近有研究指,六成確診者無癥狀。咁係咪,無癥狀都唔值得慶幸? 又其實,我會關心我身邊既人多過自己,親人千祈唔好有事,同事唔好有事,朋友唔好有事,醫護唔好有事,香港人唔好有事,人人都唔好有事,貓狗獅子老虎都唔好有事。 諗到呢度,要深呼吸。 無論有無事,隔離緊或者返緊工,最重要係保持樂觀。 唔樂觀,過份憂慮,免疫力降低,等於自廢七成武功。 我的抗疫日常,對一般人來說可能有點繁重, 但我一直有服用營養補充品,是驗身後經醫生配方,按照我的體質需要,只供各位參考: 維他命C 維他命E 維他命D3 維他命B6 鎂 Omega 3 Milk Thistle (護肝) 益生菌 (保持腸道暢通) DHEA 月見草油 另外, 一個檸檬 (混和少許溫水) 雞蛋 一日三餐 盡量接觸陽光 八小時以上睡眠 保持樂觀,每天找朋友傾談 關心他人,每天最少找一位舊朋友向他問好 閱讀 工作 讀新聞 Plank – 隔日做三分鐘 還有,我服用: Tru Niagen (防腦退化) 薑王素  早前看到香港和英國朋友轉來的短訊,不知來源及真偽, 但我覺得內容正常及可接受(即使不完全正確亦無害), 提供給大家參考: 據說來自醫院康復患者的短訊: //我們每天都醫院裡: 服用Vit C-1000 服用維生素E 陽光下15-20分鐘。 雞蛋一隻 休息7-8小時 每天喝1.5升水 吃熱盤,避免凍飲凍食。 那就是我們在醫院所做的。 冠狀病毒的pH從5.5到8.5不等。 要戰勝冠狀病毒,我們需要食用比該病毒的pH值還高的鹼性食物,其中包括: 檸檬  牛油果  大蒜  芒果  橙  菠蘿  怎麼知道您患病? 喉嚨發癢 失聲 乾咳 發燒 呼吸急促 味覺和嗅覺流失 當您注意這些事項時,請迅速將暖開水混和檸檬汁一起喝。 不要將這些資訊留給自己。 給所有的家人和朋友。// 據說來自英國護士的短訊: //Finally, some sensible advice. From a GP Nurse in the UK. What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus: • hand washing • personal hygiene • social distancing If you get Covid-19 You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it might come your way! Things you should actually prepare ahead of time: • Kleenex, • Paracetamol, • whatever your generic, mucus thinning cough medicine of choice is (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on Paracetamol) • Honey and lemon can work just as well! • Vicks vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. • a humidifier would be a good thing to buy and use in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam). • If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary. • Meals This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. • Hydrate (drink!) hydrate, hydrate! Stock up on whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink - though tap water is fine you may appreciate some variety! For symptom management and a fever over 38°c • take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen • Rest lots. You should not be leaving your house! • Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided! • Wear gloves and a mask to avoid contaminating others in your house • Isolate in your bedroom if not living alone, ask friends and family to leave supplies outside to avoid contact. • Sanitize your bed linen and clothes frequently by washing and clean your bathroom with recommended sanitizers. If you are worried or in distress or feel your symptoms are getting worse: Preexisting risks If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your Doctor or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. Children- One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus— they usually bounce back in a few days (but they will still be infectious), Just use pediatric dosing . Be calm and prepare rationally and everything will be fine. This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus. Some of which are: Lemon water Lime water Avocado Garlic Mango Tangerine Pineapple Dandelion Orange How do you know you have coronavirus? 1. Itching in the throat 2. Dry throat 3. Dry cough 4. High temperature 5. Shortness of breath So where you notice these things quickly take warm water with lemon and drink. Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends. God bless you.//


我儿子已经好久没感冒了,当你觉的lullami 只是生病时才用的救命万能霜时⁉️那你就错了😀 每天洗澡🛁后涂上它,抗病菌、祛风、祛热解毒滋润肌肤. 妈妈的lullami baby cream 宝宝最喜欢😍 好消息,我们的Lullami 年底将荣获亚州诚信大奖. 一款最安全最有效的万能霜. 代替了宝宝的祛风油、baby lotion、爽身粉. 一罐万能宝宝霜舒缓感冒发烧、预防生病、滋润肌肤!完全不油不腻!才短短几个月在马来西亚创下惊人销量. 只因它好评如潮,妈妈们用的安心. 飘移公主和闺蜜的自创品牌,12月我们颁奖礼见咯. Lullami Baby Cream 50g 1 bottle Rm68 西马包邮 东马+Rm5 新币 SGD25 天然成分: 初榨椰子油 Cocos nucifera Coconut oil 大蒜鳞茎油 Allium Sativum Garlic 芦荟 Aloe Vera 黑种草 habatussauda nigella sativa Lullami Baby Cream suitable for 适用于 轻微发烧症状➡️Relive Fever 肚子涨风不适➡️Inflammation of the stomach 关节酸痛不适➡️joints pain 宝宝感冒➡️Baby Flu 小孩宝宝皮肤干燥➡️child or baby’'s dry skin patches 皮肤痕痒➡️itchy skin 咳嗽卡痰➡️Cough with phlegm 蚊虫叮咬➡️moisquitor bites 宝宝不适使用方式 Directions of Use : ☑️发烧 ⭕️胸口、鼻子、背部、颈项、脚底、额头 ☑️咳嗽伤风 ⭕️胸口、鼻子、背后、颈项 ☑️肚子涨风 ⭕️肚子、脚底 ☑️睡不安稳 ⭕️全身搽 全马统一售价68谢绝丢价假货‼️ 亲爱的可以找各大授权代理购买哦😍 如果想加入漂移公主微商战队或对我们的产品有兴趣请联系 https://www.facebook.com/Lullami-Official-314122335952035/ (Lullami official) Whatsapp: 018-7751319

我儿子已经好久没感冒了,当你觉的lullami 只是生病时才用的救命万能霜时⁉️那你就错了😀 每天洗...

离婚3年,我今天分享自已如何在这3年里奋斗、6个月创办自己的公司,今天顺便带大家看看我的小公司. 分享女人的奋斗历程 今天直播在线人数过888我们会送2罐👶🏻【LULLAMI BABY BUBBLE BATH】👶🏻新品 人数过1200加送2盒【LULLAMI BABY CREAM】 (分享次数越多留守直播的粉丝得奖机会越高🏅🏅) 只需跟着以下步骤就有机会赢奖 🎁 Step 1:只需在直播下按多多赞,留言写上“我想得【LULLAMI 我爱你】,因为…(写出你的个人理由) Step 2: 再以公开方式分享这个直播到您Fb个人主页上,开启包箱模式邀请好友观赏 Step 3:在直播留言下Tag 给2位朋友进来看直播 Step 4: Like & Follow Lullami Official https://www.facebook.com/lullamiofficial/ 今天只要选择加入我们 #Lullami Official 就能以优惠门槛加入, 让你一样可以 Rm350拿下我们创业配套, 而且购买一套产品还能获取幸运抽奖和小礼物哦。 我们势必要让妈妈变得更轻松, 我们承诺让妈妈能够经济独立💰 👶🏻Lullami Baby Bubble Bath 泡泡沐浴乳👶🏻 Lullami一直都是妈妈的好帮手, 这次推出别出心裁特别推出专为小孩们研制的泡泡沐浴乳 Baby Bubble Bath, 以天然成分研制而成,从头到脚的洗护皆可使用。 天然不刺激眼睛的配方,给宝宝更舒适愉快的洗澡体验。 一压就有细致绵密的泡泡,适用用于浴盆泡澡也能用在普通沐浴。 沐浴时光就是最好的亲子时光,今天就和宝贝体验不一样美好的沐浴时光吧! Lullami Baby Cream 是专门为宝宝研制的一个舒缓膏,天然成分的配方,有效助于舒缓宝宝身体的轻微不舒服。而且我们不油不粘也不辣,更适合宝宝使用。 主要天然成分: 初榨椰子油 Cocos nucifera Coconut oil 大蒜鳞茎油 Allium Sativum Garlic 芦荟 Aloe Vera 黑种草 Habatus Sauda nigella sativa 适用于 ✔️轻微发烧症状 Relieve Fever ✔️肚子涨风不适 Inflammation of the stomach ✔️关节酸痛不适 joints pain ✔️宝宝感冒 Baby Flu ✔️小孩宝宝皮肤干燥 child or baby’'s dry skin patches ✔️皮肤痕痒 itchy skin ✔️咳嗽卡痰 Cough with phlegm ✔️蚊虫叮咬 mosquito bites 宝宝身体不舒服使用方式 ⛔️发烧:胸口、鼻子、背部、颈项、脚底、额头 ⛔️咳嗽伤风:胸口、鼻子、背后、颈项 ⛔️肚子涨风:肚子、脚底 ⛔️睡不安稳:全身搽 Lullami Baby Cream 50g 售价 Rm68/ bottle 西马包邮 东马+Rm5 新币 SGD25 ———————————————— Lullami Baby Bubble Bath 泡泡沐浴乳 Lullami一直都是妈妈的好帮手,这次推出别出心裁特别推出专为小孩们研制的泡泡沐浴乳 Baby Bubble Bath,以天然成分研制而成,从头到脚的洗护皆可使用。 天然不刺激眼睛的配方,给宝宝更舒适愉快的洗澡体验。一压就有细致绵密的泡泡,适用用于浴盆泡澡也能用在普通沐浴。沐浴时光就是最好的亲子时光,今天就和宝贝体验不一样美好的沐浴时光吧! Lullami Baby Bubble Bath 泡泡沐浴乳 特点 ❤️绵密微细泡泡 Micro foaming ❤️由头至脚多用途 All in one head to toe ❤️不刺眼配方 Tear free formula ❤️有助于滋润肌肤 soothing & moisturising ❤️降低皮肤敏感度 reduce skin sensitivity ❤️洁净清新舒爽 Gently cleanses and refreshing 主要成分 🌿Boswellia carterii oil 乳香精油 🌻Chamomilla recutita matricaria oil 洋甘菊 🌷Juniperus communis fruit oil 杜松浆果精油 售价 rm58 西马包邮 东马rm5 SGD 22 ———————————————— Lullami 特别套装 Lullami Baby Cream x 1 Lullami Baby Bubble Bath x 1 特别附赠 Pvc 多用途手提袋 ➕ 水果造型可爱沐浴球 ➕ 幸运刮刮卡 ➕ 神秘小礼物 原价 RM 126 特别价 RM 118 限量套装,先到先得,送完即止 想要拿下代理记得找各大授权代理询问详情✌🏻

离婚3年,我今天分享自已如何在这3年里奋斗、6个月创办自己的公司,今天顺便带大家看看我的小公司. 分...